# Chemotion {bdg-primary}`Service of Kiel University` {bdg-warning}`Pilot operation` [Chemotion](https://chemotion.net/) is a web-based electronic lab notebook (ELN) that allows researchers to securely store, organise, and share their research data and results. It provides a centralised, searchable database for all laboratory activities, from experiment planning to data analysis and report writing. Chemotion is designed to increase the efficiency and transparency of chemical research, making it easier for scientists to collaborate and share their findings. You can find the central Chemotion instance of Kiel University at: [https://chemotion.rz.uni-kiel.de](https://chemotion.rz.uni-kiel.de) ## Access Official instructions for accessing the Chemotion instance are in preperation. :::{note} {octicon}`key;1em;sd-text-info` Access is currently not possible, due to the pilot status. {octicon}`lock;1em;sd-text-info` The service can only be accessed from the university network. Therefore, a VPN connection is required for connections from locations outside the university (e.g. from home). More information coming soon. :::