# CRC 1261 – Research Data Management Guide This guide is here to help you get started with research data management at [CRC 1261](https://biomagnetic-sensing.de/). You'll learn about the tools and services available that can help you manage your research data. Please be advised that this guide is currently a *work in progress*. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the individuals listed in the [contact](./misc/contact.md) section. Additionally, you can also report any issues through the corresponding GitLab project at [https://cau-git.rz.uni-kiel.de/CRC-1261/rdm/guide/-/issues](https://cau-git.rz.uni-kiel.de/CRC-1261/rdm/guide/-/issues). :::{note} The Data Management Guide can be collaboratively developed and improved by the CRC community through the use of issues and merge requests in its corresponding [GitLab repository](https://cau-git.rz.uni-kiel.de/CRC-1261/rdm/guide). ::: ```{toctree} --- caption: Getting started maxdepth: 1 --- getting_started/introduction getting_started/dfg_guidelines getting_started/data_lifecycle getting_started/dmp ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: Storage & Backup maxdepth: 1 --- storage/overview storage/home_drive storage/network_drive storage/tape_storage storage/cau_cloud ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: Version management maxdepth: 1 --- version_management/overview version_management/recommendations version_management/cau_gitlab version_management/github version_management/large-file-management version_management/project_template ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: Repositories maxdepth: 1 --- repositories/overview repositories/macau repositories/opendata ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: Electronic lab notebook maxdepth: 1 --- eln/overview eln/elabftw ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: Metadata maxdepth: 1 --- metadata/overview ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: Best practices maxdepth: 1 --- best_practices/readme best_practices/file_naming best_practices/dates best_practices/pids ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: Misc maxdepth: 1 --- misc/contact misc/changelog ```