Next Onboarding Day at CRC 1261
Starting Our Journey
Joining CRC 1261 marks an exciting new chapter for us as fresh doctoral and student researchers. Coming from different backgrounds, we share a common motivation: contributing to research in biomagnetic sensing and its applications in medicine. The onboarding day provided us with a great introduction to the CRC, its projects, and the people behind them.
Why We Joined CRC 1261
During the onboarding day, we had the opportunity to get to know each other, our background and motivation:
Lucie Bangert, for example, studied electrical and information engineering at Kiel university and worked as a student researcher at Fraunhofer ISIT. Especially the collaborative and interdisciplinary nature as well as the broad framework program of the CRC motivated her to join.
Linda Nolte, on the other hand, is now starting as a doctoral researcher in the CRC. She studied mechanical engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Karlsruhe and Kiel. At the CRC, she is particularly looking forward to the interdisciplinary collaboration between the fields of engineering and medicine.
Irine Pauly is an international fellow studying polymer engineering at Mahatma Gandhi University in India. She is currently working on her master's thesis in the Chair of Composite Materials. Her interest in the CRC came primarily from its collaborative and multidisciplinary nature, as well as its comprehensive structure program.
Henning Eikens is an industrial engineering student at Kiel University and is currently writing his master’s thesis at the Chair of Digital Signal Processing and System Theory. He was particularly motivated to join by the potential impact of the projects on patients and the collaborative atmosphere of the CRC.
Lukas Elsner started his work as a doctoral researcher at the chair of automatic control researching in the field of medical robotics. The goal of improving care for patients was central to this work. At the CRC he gets to pursue the same goal with great opportunity to expand ones scope through collaboration and exciting science to discover.

Onboarding Day Highlights
The day was packed with a diverse program of lab tours, discussions, and presentations. Some of our highlights included:
Meeting the CRC community: From an introduction to the different sensor types by Prof. Gerhard Schmidt, the spokesperson of the CRC, to engaging discussions with current PhD students like Rahil Radfar.
Insights into the CRC framework program: The introduction of the IRTG, the opportunities to visit conferences, workshops, and stays abroad, the retreats, summer schools, focus groups and supervision program by Mona Stölting, the scientific coordinator.
Social experience: Coffee breaks and lunch in the cafeteria “Dockside” of the TF with the organisers of the onboarding meeting.
Demos and Lab Tours: Insights to the research of different projects like the A2, A10, B12 and Z1 from Lukas Zimoch, Stefan Schröder, Elizaveta Spetzler, Rahil Radfar, and Felix Weisheit.
Looking Ahead
With this onboarding experience, we are eager to start our own research projects, collaborate with fellow researchers, and contribute to the CRC’s mission.