Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Schmidt

Professional Career
Since 2010 |
Professor (W3) for “Digital Signal Processing and System Theory” at the Faculty of Engineering of the CAU Kiel |
2009 - 2010 |
Head of the department "Acoustic Speech Enhancement" at SVOX Deutschland GmbH, Ulm |
2009 - 2010 |
Part-time professor (1/4 W3) at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, for the topic "Speech and Audio Signal Processing" (in parallel to the industry position at Harman/Becker and SVOX) |
2001 - 2009 |
Research engineer at Harman/Becker Automotive Systems GmbH in Ulm (former name Temic SDS GmbH), since 2007 research group leader of the team "Acoustic Signal Processing" |
1996 - 2001 |
Scientific assistant at the chair “Signal Theory” at Technische Universität Darmstadt |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Schmidt
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU Kiel)
Digital Signal Processing and System Theory
Institute for Electrical Engineering and Information Engineering
Kaiserstr. 2, 24143 Kiel
Phone. +49 (0) 431 880 6125
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Projects and Positions
CRC-related Publications
J. Hoffmann, H. Wolframm, E. Engelhardt, M. Boueke, T. Schmidt, J. Welzel, M. Höft, W. Maetzler, G. Schmidt: A Magnetoelectric Distance Estimation System for Relative Human Motion Tracking, Sensors, vol. 25, no. 2, 495, 2025. |
E. Engelhardt, J. Hoffmann, M. Boueke, N. Frey, G. Schmidt: Enhancing Non-Invasive Electroanatomical Mapping with Dynamic Sensor Arrays, IEEE Sensors, conf. proceedings, Kobe, Japan, 2024. |
J. Hoffmann, M. Boueke, E. Engelhardt, T. Schmidt, C. Hansen, J. Welzel, W. Maetzler, G. Schmidt: Proof of Principle: Full 6D Point-to-Point Motion Tracking with Magnetoelectric Sensors, IEEE Sensors, conf. proceedings, Kobe, Japan, 2024. |
L. Thormählen, P. Hayes, E. Elzenheimer, E. Spetzler, G. Schmidt, M. Höft, J. McCord, D. Meyners, E. Quandt: Low-noise Inverse Magnetoelectric Magnetic Field Sensor, Applied Physics Letters, 124 (17), 172402, 2024. |
E. Engelhardt, E. Elzenheimer, J. Hoffmann, C. Meledeth, N. Frey, G. Schmidt: Non-Invasive Electroanatomical Mapping: A State-Space Approach for Myocardial Current Density Estimation, Bioengineering, 10(12), 1432, 2023. |
M. Gerhardt, L. Zimoch, C. Dorn, E. Elzenheimer, C. Bald, T. Lerg, J. Hoffmann, S. Kaps, M. Höft, G. Schmidt, S. Wulfinghoff, R. Adelung: Self-powered Elementary Hybrid Magnetoelectric Sensor, Nano Energy, vol. 115, 108720, 2023. |
M. Gerhard, L. Zimoch, C. Dorn, E. Elzenheimer, C. Bald, T. Lerg, J. Hoffmann, S. Kaps, M. Höft, G. Schmidt, S. Wulfinghoff, R. Adelung: Self-powered Elementary Hybrid Magnetoelectric Sensor, Nano Energy, vol. 115, 108720, 2023. |
J. Hoffmann, C. Bald, T. Schmidt, M. Boueke, E. Engelhardt, K. Krüger, E. Elzenheimer, C. Hansen, W. Maetzler, G. Schmidt: Designing and Validating Magnetic Motion Sensing Approaches with a Real-time Simulation Pipeline, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1, 455-458, 2023. |
M. Boueke, J. Hoffmann, T. Schmidt, C. Bald, R. Bergholz, G. Schmidt: Model-based Tracking of Magnetic Sensor Gloves in Real Time, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1, 85-88, 2023. |
E. Engelhardt, E. Elzenheimer, J. Hoffman, T. Schmidt, A. Zaman, N. Frey, G. Schmidt: A Concept for Myocardial Current Density Estimation with Magnetoelectric Sensors, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1, 89-92, 2023. |
H. Wolframm, J. Hoffmann, R. Burgardt, E. Elzenheimer, G. Schmidt, M. Höft: PCB Coil Enables In Situ Calibration of Magnetoelectric Sensor Systems, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1, 567-570, 2023. |
J. Hoffmann, S. Roldan-Vasco, K. Krüger, F. Niekiel, C. Hansen, W. Maetzler, J. Orozco-Arroyave, G. Schmidt: Pilot Study: Magnetic Motion Analysis for Swallowing Detection Using MEMS Cantilever Actuators, MDPI Sensors, vol. 23, no. 7, 3594, 2023. |
E. Elzenheimer, P. Hayes, L. Thormählen, E. Engelhardt, A. Zaman, E. Quandt, N. Frey, M. Höft, G. Schmidt: Investigation of Converse Magnetoelectric Thin Film Sensors for Magnetocardiography, IEEE Sensors Journal Print ISSN, pp. 5660-5669, 2023. |
H. Wang, J. Arbustini, E. Elzenheimer, V. Schell, M. Höft, E. Quandt, G. Schmidt, H. Heidari, A. Bahr: Study of Chopping Magnetic Flux Modulation on Surface Acoustic Wave Magnetic Sensor, ICECS, 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits & Systems, Glasgow, Scotland, 2022. |
J. Arbustini, J. Muñoz, H. Wang, E. Elzenheimer, J. Hoffmann, L. Thormählen, P. Hayes, F. Niekiel, H. Heidari, M. Höft, E. Quandt, G. Schmidt, A. Bahr: MEMS Magnetic Field Source for Frequency Conversion Approaches for ME Sensors, BMT2022 , Joint Annual Conference of the Austrian, German and Swiss Societies for Biomedical Engineering, 2022. |
J. Hoffmann, C. Hansen, W. Maetzler, G. Schmidt: A Concept for 6D Motion Sensing with Magnetoelectric Sensors, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 8, no. 2, 451-454, 2022. |
C. Bald, R. Bergholz, G. Schmidt: Automatic Localization of an Ultrasound Probe with the Help of Magnetic Sensors, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 317-320, 2022. |
E. Engelhardt, A. Zaman, E. Elzenheimer, N. Frey, G. Schmidt: Towards Analytically Computable Quality Classes for MCG Sensor Systems, BMT 2022, Joint Annual Conference of the Austrian, German and Swiss Societies for Biomedical Engineering, 2022. |
E. Elzenheimer, C. Bald, E. Engelhardt, J. Hoffmann, P. Hayes, J. Arbustini, A. Bahr, E. Quandt, M. Höft, G. Schmidt: Quantitative Evaluation for Magnetoelectric Sensor Systems in Biomagnetic Diagnostics, MDPI Sensors, vol. 22, no. 3, 1018, 2022. |
J. Hoffmann, E. Elzenheimer, C. Bald, C. Hansen, W. Maetzler, G. Schmidt: Active Magnetoelectric Motion Sensing: Examining Performance Metrics with an Experimental Setup, MDPI Sensors, vol. 21, no. 23, 8000, 2021. |
C. Broß, C Enzingmüller, I. Parchmann, G. Schmidt: Teaching Magnetoelectric Sensing to Secondary School Students—Considerations for Educational STEM Outreach, Sensors, vol. 21, no. 21, 7354, 2021. |
C. Broß, C. Enzingmüller, I. Parchmann, G. Schmidt: Teaching Magnetoelectric Sensing to Secondary School Students: Considerations for Educational STEM Outreach, Sensors, vol. 21, issue 21, 2021. |
C. Bald, G. Schmidt: Processing Chain for Localization of Magnetoelectric Sensors in Real Time, Sensors, vol. 21, issue 16, 5675, 2021. |
B. Spetzler, C. Bald, P. Durdaut, J. Reermann, C. Kirchhof, A. Teplyuk, D. Meyners, E. Quandt, M. Höft, G. Schmidt, F. Faupel: Exchange Biased Delta-E Effect Enables the Detection of Low Frequency pT Magnetic Fields with Simultaneous Localization, Scientific Reports 11, Article no. 5269, 2021. |
C. Enzingmüller, CS. Broß, D. Laumann, I. Parchmann, G. Schmidt: Magnetfelder am Herzen messen, MNU Journal, no. 2, pp. 149-153, 2021. |
J. Hoffmann, E. Elzenheimer, C. Bald, C. Hansen, W. Maetzler, G. Schmidt: Magnetoelektrische Sensoren zur Bewegungsdetektion und -analyse, Biosignale Workshop, Kiel, Germany, 2020. |
E. Warmerdam, J. Hausdorff, A, Atrsaei, Y. Zhou, A. Mirelman, K. Aminian, A. Espay, C. Hansen, L. Evers, A. Keller, C. Lamoth, A. Pilotto, L. Rochester, G. Schmidt, B. Bloem, W. Maetzler: Long-Term Unsupervised Mobility Assessment in Movement Disorders, The Lancet Neurology, vol. 19, issue 5, pp. 462-470, 2020. |
E. Elzenheimer, H. Laufs, W. Schulte-Mattler, G. Schmidt: Magnetic Measurement of Electrically Evoked Muscle Responses With Optically Pumped Magnetometers, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 28, issue 3, pp. 756-765, 2020. |
N. Wolff, V. Ciobanu, M. Enachi, M. Kamp, T. Braniste, V. Duppel, S. Shree, S. Raevschi, M. Mendina-Sánchez, R. Adelung, G. Schmidt, L. Kienle, I. Tiginyanu: Advanced Hybrid GaN/ZnO Nanoarchitectured Microtubes for Fluorescent Micromotors Driven by UV Light, small, vol. 16, issue 2, 1905141, 2019. |
E. Elzenheimer, H. Laufs, W. Schulte-Mattler, G. Schmidt: Signal Modeling and Simulation of Temporal Dispersion and Conduction Block in Motor Nerves, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 67, issue 7, pp. 2094-2102, 2019. |
J. Reermann, E. Elzenheimer, G. Schmidt: Real-Time Biomagnetic Signal Processing for Uncooled Magnetometers in Cardiology, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 15, issue 11, pp. 4237-4249, 2019. |
B. Spetzler, C. Kirchhof, J. Reermann, P. Durdaut, M. Höft, G. Schmidt, E. Quandt, F. Faupel: Influence of the Quality Factor on the Signal to Noise Ratio of Magnetoelectric Sensors Based on the Delta-E Effect, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 114, issue 18, 183504, 2019. |
C. Bald, E. Elzenheimer, J. Reermann, T. Sander-Thömmes, G. Schmidt: Amplitudenverlauf des Herzmagnetfeldes als Funktion des Abstandes, Biosignale Workshop, Erfurt, Germany, 2018. |
E. Elzenheimer, F. Weitkamp, H. Laufs, T. Sander-Thömmes, G. Schmidt: Magnetoneurografie eines elektrisch stimulierten Armnervs, Biosignale Workshop, Erfurt, Germany, 2018. |
F. Weitkamp, E. Elzenheimer, W. Schulte-Mattler, G. Schmidt, H. Laufs: Multimodal Mapping of Nerve Pathology with a Multichannel Approach, Clinical Neurophysiology, vol. 129, issue 8, pp. e72-e73 2018. |
A. Kittmann, P. Durdaut, S. Zabel, J. Reermann, J. Schmalz, B. Spetzler, D. Meyners, N. X. Sun, J. McCord, M. Gerken, G. Schmidt, M. Höft, R. Knöchel, F. Faupel, E. Quandt: Wide Band Low Noise Love Wave Magnetic Field Sensor System, Scientific Reports, vol. 8, no. 278, 2018. |
P. Durdaut, J. Reermann, S. Zabel, C. Kirchhof, E. Quandt, F. Faupel, G. Schmidt, R. Knöchel, M. Höft: Modeling and Analysis of Noise Sources for Thin-Film Magnetoelectric Sensors Based on the Delta-E Effect, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 66, no. 10, pp. 2771-2779, 2017. |
J. Reermann, P. Durdaut, S. Salzer, T. Demming, A. Piorra, E. Quandt, N. Frey, M. Höft, G. Schmidt: Evaluation of Magnetoelectric Sensor Systems for Cardiological Applications, Measurement (Elsevier), ISSN pp. 0263-2241 , 2017. |
J. Reermann, C. Bald, P. Durdaut, A.Piorra, D. Meyners, E. Quandt, M. Höft, G. Schmidt: Adaptive Mehrkanalige Geräuschkompensation für Magnetoelektrische Sensoren, Proc. DAGA, Kiel, Germany, 2017. |
P. Durdaut, S. Salzer, J. Reermann, V. Röbisch, J. McCord, D. Meyners, E. Quandt, G. Schmidt, R. Knöchel, M. Höft: Improved Magnetic Frequency Conversion Approach for Magnetoelectric Sensors, IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 1, no. 3 , 2017. |
P. Durdaut, S. Salzer, J. Reermann, V. Röbisch, P. Hayes, A. Piorra, D. Meyners, E. Quandt, G. Schmidt, R. Knöchel, M. Höft: Thermal-Mechanical Noise in Resonant Thin-Film Magnetoelectric Sensors, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 2338-2348, 2017. |
V. Röbisch, S. Salzer, N. O. Urs, J. Reermann, J. Yarar, A. Piorra, C. Kirchhof, E. Lage, M. Höft, G. Schmidt, R. Knöchel, J. McCord, E. Quandt, M. Meyners: Pushing the Detection Limit of Thin Film Magnetoelectric Heterostructures, Journal of Materials Research, vol. 32, issue 6, pp. 1009-1019, 2017. |
J. Reermann, C. Bald, S. Salzer, P. Durdaut, A. Piorra, D. Meyners, E. Quandt, M. Höft, Gerhard Schmidt: Comparison of Reference Sensors for Noise Cancellation of Magnetoelectric Sensors, IEEE Sensors, Orlando, 2016. |
S. Zabel, J. Reermann, S. Fichtner, C. Kirchhof, E. Quandt, B. Wagner, G. Schmidt, F. Faupel: Multimode Delta-E Effect Magnetic Field Sensors with Adapted Electrodes, Applied Physics Letters, 108, 222401, 2016.
P. Hayes, S. Salzer, J. Reermann, E. Yarar, V. Röbisch, A. Piorra, D. Meyners, M. Höft, R. Knöchel, G.Schmidt, E. Quandt: Electrically Modulated Magnetoelectric Sensors, Applied Physics Letters, 108(18), 2016. |