Member Meetings
The Member Meetings (MMs) are, as the name suggests, for IRTG members to interact with each other. During the meetings, the latest research results are discussed and current research problems are exchanged. Together, solutions can be found and collaborations can be further developed. Every now and then there are laboratory tours by individual doctoral students. This way, everyone else (especially newcomers) can get an idea of the possible measurement setups, which they might even be able to use for an experiment themselves. In addition, the meetings serve to pass on organizational information from the student representatives of the IRTG Board.
Regular Meetings
Date, time and room | Topic |
19.12.2023, 13:00 h, hybrid (Aquarium and online) |
![]() Advanced Research Data Management / ElatFTW and GIT Linking In the presentation, a workflow was presented that enables measurements to be documented and saved in such a way that they are in line with the FAIR guidelines of good scientific practice. Possibilities were shown how the different resources provided by the university (eLabFTW to documentation, gitLab to scripts/programs, project memory to measurement data) can be linked with each other in such a way that all information can be reconstructed regardless of the entry point. Topics
05.12.2023, 13:00 h, hybrid (Aquarium and online) |
![]() Analyzing Noise Sources in Magnetic Field Sensors In this presentation, Elizaveta explained the physical principles behind various types of noise occurring in magnetic field sensors. She identified noise sources relevant to the magnetoelectric sensors studied in the CRC and discussed potential strategies for noise mitigation. |
21.11.2023, 13:00 h, hybrid (Aquarium and online) |
![]() MEMS Cantilever Actuator Distance Measurement In his talk, Moritz showed recent experimental results for using a permanent magnet cantilever as a magnetic field source. As a sensor, he tried a second permanent magnet cantilever as well as a commercially available MI sensor. Topics
24.10.2023, 13:00 h, hybrid (Aquarium and online) |
![]() Problems in SAW Sample Production for IDT Adhesion and CVD Deposition In Felix's presentation, challenges related to chromium adhesion in interdigital transducers (IDTs) and particle formation during the PECVD process for SiO2 deposition were addressed. A solution for IDTs was identified through substrate dry etching prior to deposition. The origin of CVD particles was determined not to be intrinsic to the process, and their presence on SiO2 and fluoride particles was diagnosed using REM/EDX analysis. Topics
10.10.2023, 13:00 h, hybrid (Aquarium and online) |
![]() 3-D Head model for Magnetoelectric sensors applications and Magnetic nanoparticles characterization Giuseppe presented new results on a 3-D head model for Magnetoelectric cantilever sensors in Comsol Multiphysics in a frequency domain scenario. He also conducted some preliminary researches on the characterization of magnetic nanoparticles which will be evaluated in the next funding period in combination with our CRC sensors. Topics
26.09.2023, 13:00 h, online |
![]() Git Submodules Christian gave an introduction into git submodules. It included a live demonstration of a python example involving two projects and one library. It was followed by a discussion about the capabilities of git submodules. Topics
29.08.2023, 13:00 h, online |
![]() Microfluidic and Biomechanics Core Facilities Angeles presented the microfluidic and biomechanics core facilities at the Institute of Molecular Systems Engineering at Heidelberg University, and introduced some techniques that are implemented in cell biology. |
01.08.2023, 13:00 h, online |
![]() ME Sensor Setup for Gait Kinematics Estimation Johannes presented recent progress on the newly develeoped setup for the magnetic assessment of gait kinematics as it was recently tested in the clinical motor lab. He also expanded on some learnings from previous setups regarding wiring, current monitoring, and sensor protection. Topics
18.07.2022, 13:00 h, hybrid (Aquarium and online) |
![]() Tools for Project Management In Martha's talk some of the newly learned tools from the project management course were presentend. Personal experience and recommendations of the participants were added. ![]() Hard biased and exchange biased films for miniaturized delta-E effect sensors Fatih presented results from hard biased and exchange biased test structures. Problems and possible solutions about hard biased films were discussed. Topics
20.06.2023, 13:00 h, online |
06.06.2023, 13:00 h, Aquarium |
23.05.2023, 13:00 h, online |
![]() Readout of Electrically-modulated Sensors In Johan's talk, he presents a short overview of ADCs, the limitations related to the quantization noise, and what is essential to consider it. Also, a quick overview of the state of art of ADCs and possible solution for ASIC implementation. Topics
25.04.2023, 13:00 h, Aquarium |
![]() Hybrid Sensors - Realizing Piezoelectric Readout Lukas delivered a presentation on composite sensors, detailing the latest advancements in Project A2. During the discourse, he explored the prospect of transitioning from an electret readout to a piezoelectric alternative. This transition presents challenges owing to the materials involved, notably silicon. Consequently, the introduction of plasma etching emerged as a viable technique for integrating the piezoelectric thin film. Evaluation of the efficacy of this treatment involved the introduction and discussion of contact angle and roll-off angle measurements. Topics
14.03.2023, 13:00 h, online |
![]() Lab Visit Dennis presented the chair's lab including instrumentation for material analysis (e.g., domain walls) based on the magneto-optic Kerr effect (MOKE). Topics
28.02.2023, 13:00 h, Aquarium |
![]() External Research Stay in the USA Presentation of the successfully completed external science mission in the USA at Nian Sun in Boston. Presentation of the achieved goals and laboratories. Explain to colleagues the requirements, deadlines, and forms that must be completed and submitted for a stay in the USA. Topics
14.02.2023, 13:00 h, Aquarium |
![]() Meta Data Management The current plan of the data management group about metadata management was presented and discussed. Problems and opportunities in including a basic metadata shema in eveyones workflow were brought up. A first possible implementation of an automatization in mathlab was proposed. Topics
31.01.2023, 13:00 h, Aquarium |
13.12.2022, 13:00 h, online |
Mesut-Ömür Özden
Talk: Conference Visit International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA 2022) Ömür shared his recent experience in visiting a conference on electromagnetic applications in Cape Town, South Africa. Topics
29.11.2022, 13:00 h, Aquarium |
![]() Deep brain stimulation research results and communication with transfer collaboration partner In Mevlüt's talk, he first gave a short overview of the overall DBS transfer project. He then presented about the latest research result in DBS application and discussed about current challenges in patient recordings under real conditions. Some possible solutions have been discussed afterwards. Finally, he gave a short feedback about collaborating with a transfer partner. ![]() High Performance Computing (HPC) Introduction to high performance computing in general and at CAU computing center; live demonstration of small python example at nesh cluster; discussion about capabilities of high performance computing Topics
15.11.2022, 13:00 h, online |
![]() Matched filters In his talk, Johannes elaborated on the fundamental capabilities, requirements and limitations for the use of matched filters in CRC-related applications. Therefore, he shortly described the “ingredients” for this approach which are autocorrelation, multiplication theorem and time-bandwidth-product. ![]() 3D Graphics and Animations in Blender A quick start guide to the freeware program blender was given to have a starting point for 3D graphis for scientific posters, papers, presentation or the thesis. Therefore, a BMM cantilever 3D graphic/animation was done live in blender. Topics
04.10.2022, 13:00 h, Aquarium |
Victor Schell (A9) -
Talk: Current Research Temperature in SAW Sensors, Magnetic Flux Concentration Thermography measurements were presented, which show that heat is generated in the SAW device during excitation. This temperature increase is proportional to the increase in excitation power and can be a potential influence on phase noise. Additionally, the increase in temperature varies with the magnetic state in the exchange biased films. The identification of different noise contributions in exchange biased SAW sensors is a key goal for the rest of the funding period. Furthermore, magnetic flux concentrators were introduced to a exchange biased SAW sensor, which improved the sensitivity by a factor of 4. The reduction of LOD through flux concentration is by a factor of 2, since the metglas layers used for flux concentration also add magnetic noise. Topics
06.09.2022, 13:00 h, online |
![]() Magnetic Localization In her talk, Christin presented recent improvements on the localization algorithm for magnetic sensors in a fixed measurement volume using a combination of trilateration and iterative optimization. The motivation is to improve reproducibility of ultrasound measurements. Topics
23.08.2023, 13:00 h, online |
09.08.2022, 13:00 h, online |
![]() New Concept for Research Regarding Noise An introduction to a new concept idea was given. To reduce magnetic noise permanent magnets could be used as the magnetic component. Additionally the noise behaviour of the current sensor was shown and shortly discussed. Topics
26.07.2022, 13:00 h, online |
![]() Delta-E Measurements In Fatih’s talk, he introduced the new impedance measurement setup. He showed the magnetic and the electrical sensitivities at different resonance modes of various sensors. He also presented the comparison of the simulations and the vibrometer measurements of resonance mode shapes. Topics
12.07.2022, 13:00 h, online |
![]() Kiel Cardio Database The Kiel Cardio Database currently consists of OPM-MCG measurements from seven patients. We plan to expand it in the future to include additional MCG measurements as well as ECG measurements and MRI/CT scans. The database is currently being made available on our website so that other research groups can benefit from our measurements. In addition to the content of the database, Erik also talked about the challenges he encountered during the measurement campaign and how we can provide access to the databases through our website. The goal of this presentation was to show the graduate students what to consider when creating a public database. Topics
28.06.2022, 13:00 h, online |
![]() CRC-wide Sharing of Device Interface Functions The demand for a CRC wide sharing of matlab functions was discussed. Guidelines for creating, maintenance and sharing these in gitlab were established and the first function was uploaded. Topics
31.05.2022, 13:00 h, hybrid (Aquarium and online) |
![]() Read-out Schemes In the talk, Johan is presenting the topics related to B1 project. The topics focus on exploring electrical and magnetic methods to reduce the noise in read-out schemes as magnetic flux modulation on SAW sensor, MEMS for frequency conversion and PCB for converse ME composite resonator. Topics
03.05.2022, 13:00 h, hybrid (Aquarium and online) |
![]() Challenges and Results of Magnetic Material Deposition by PVD Project A1 is confronted with a large variance of tasks for which solutions and results have to be obtained. In the lecture, the main aspects of the deposition of magnetic materials in an applied magnetic field will be presented and discussed. The main focus will be on targets, magnetron and resulting magnetic layers, which will be used for the fabrication of the sensors needed in CRC 1261. Topics
19.04.2022, 13:00 h, online |
![]() Fabrication of Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors Topic of Marc Alexander's talk was the fabrication of Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors under the aspect of reliable and reproducible sensor characteristics. The focus was on the magnetic layer and possibilities to manipulate and control the orientation of magnetic anisotropy. He reported on the investigations and first results obtained as well the feasibility of anisotropy alignment at desired angles.. Henrik Wolframm (B1) - Talk: Knowledge Transfer Basics of PCB Design ![]() PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards) are the foundation of modern electronic circuits. The increasing change in the component market from wired components to SMD components makes the use of plug-in cards and punched circuit boards in the field of research and development increasingly impossible. As a consequence, even for the simplest circuits, it is necessary to layout them using ECAD tools and then to manufacture or order them. In this presentation some essential principles for the design of PCBs will be discussed. In addition, a selection of essential ECAD tools will be presented and the various procurement options for prototype PCBs will be discussed. Topics
05.04.2022, 13:00 h, online |
![]() Challenges in the BMM Sensor Fabrication Introducing the cross institutional process flow for BMM sensors at the CAU, came with challenges in the fabrication processes. The focus of this talk is on the issues of resist removal after ion beam etching (IBE) for the magnetic layer structuring. An introduction to resist removal techniques is given and discussed in the applicability for the BMM sensor flow. Topics
28.01.2022, 14:00 h, online |
![]() Demagnetization of Samples In this talk, Elizaveta explained the magnetic history's influence on a sample's magnetic state and its performance as a magnetic field sensor. She illustrated the difference between demagnetized and non-demagnetized states using magnetooptical images and showed some nuances considering the correctly performed demagnetization procedure. Topics
14.01.2022, 14:00 h, online |
![]() Controlled Operating State / Environment for ME Sensor Applications In his talk, Johannes listed four challenges regarding a defined operating state for ME sensors in motion analysis and discussed potential solutions. This included electric cross talk (shielding), varying sensitivity (calibration), undefined sensor state (saturation), and mechanical noise (reference sensor). Topics
17.12.2021, 14:00 h, online |
03.12.2021, 14:00 h, online |
![]() Introduction to Laser Cutting/3D Printing Lukas presented basics on the available hardware at the faculty for various types of 3D printing (incl. FDM and SLA) as well as laser cutting for 2D objects. Topics
02.03.2021, 14:00 h, online |
![]() Piezotronic Cagnetoelectric Composites First a short introduction for the topic of piezotronic and the required contacts was given. The measurement setup and current challenges was presented. To close it off an inside into the current fabrication process and an outlook were given. |
13.08.2020, 15:00 h, online |
Science Slam Style Project Introductions (5 min each)
30.07.2021, 14:00 h, online |
Science Slam Style Project Introductions (5 min each)
16.07.2020, 14:00 h, online |