M.Sc. Martha Gerhardt


Professional Career

Since 2020 Research assistant at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany
2017 - 2020 M.Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany
2014 - 2017 B.Sc. in Materials Science at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany



M.Sc. Martha Gerhardt
Room A-237
Kaiserstraße 2, 24143 Kiel, Germany
Phone: +49 431 880-6183
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Website: Link


Projects and Positions

     A5 - Piezotronic Magnetoelectric SensorsDoctoral researcher


CRC-related Publications

M. Gerhardt, L. Zimoch, C. Dorn, E. Elzenheimer, C. Bald, T. Lerg, J. Hoffmann, S. Kaps, M. Höft, G. Schmidt, S. Wulfinghoff, R. Adelung: Self-powered Elementary Hybrid Magnetoelectric Sensor, Nano Energy, vol. 115, 108720, 2023.
M. Gerhard, L. Zimoch, C. Dorn, E. Elzenheimer, C. Bald, T. Lerg, J. Hoffmann, S. Kaps, M. Höft, G. Schmidt, S. Wulfinghoff, R. Adelung: Self-powered Elementary Hybrid Magnetoelectric Sensor, Nano Energy, vol. 115, 108720, 2023.