Project CAU1 - Support of the Connection Between the A and B Projects

This project ...


Involved Researchers

Prof. Dr. Michael Höft
Electrical Engineering
Microwave Group
Principal investigator
Dr.-Ing. Alexander Teplyuk
Electrical Engineering
Microwave Group


Role within the Collaborative Research Centre

B2 will participate in the focus groups F3 - Comparison of Sensor Concepts and F6 - Biomedical Applications. Close cooperation is planned with the following projects:

B12 (Bioinspired Nanocomposites for Early Detection of Complications in Gastrointestinal Surgery)CAU1 will support in setting up the system for the detection of nanoparticles.
B13 (Magnetoelectric 3D Mapping in Gastrointestinal Diagnostics)CAU1 will support in setting up the system for the localizing the actuator capsules.


Project-related Publications