Dr.-Ing. Anne Kittmann


Professional Career

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Dr.-Ing. Anne Kittmann
Room A-203
Kaiserstraße 2, 24143 Kiel, Germany
Phone: +49 431 880-6212
Telefax: +49 431 880-6203
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Projects and Positions

     Z1 - MEMS Magnetoelectric Sensor FabricationDoctoral researcher


CRC-related Publications

M. F. Niekiel, J. M. Meyer, H. Lewitz, A. Kittmann, M. A. Nowak, F. Lofink, D. Meyners, J.-H. Zollondz:  What MEMS Research and Development Can Learn from a Production Environment, Sensors, Dec., 23(12), 5549, 2023. 
C. Müller, P. Durdaut, R. B. Holländer, A. Kittmann, V. Schell, D. Meyners, M. Höft, E. Quandt, J. McCord: Imaging of Love Waves and Their Interaction with Magnetic Domain Walls in Magnetoelectric Magnetic Field Sensors, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2200033, 2022.
J. M. Meyer, V. Schell, J. Su, S. Fichtner, E. Yarar, F. Niekiel, T. Giese, A. Kittmann, L. Thormählen, V. Lebedev, S. Moench, A. Žukauskaitė, E. Quandt, F. Lofink: Thin-Film-Based SAW Magnetic Field Sensors, Sensors, vol. 21, no. 24, 8166, 2021.
V. Schell, P. Durdaut, C. Müller, A. Kittmann , M. Yalaz, A. Bahr, D. Meyners, M. Höft, J. McCord, E. Quandt: Sensing Small Magnetic Fields with Surface Acoustic Waves, SAW Symposium 2021, Dresden, Germany, October 14th - 15th, 2021.
P. Durdaut, C. Müller, A. Kittmann, V. Schell, A. Bahr, E. Quandt, R. Knöchel, M. Höft, J. McCord: Phase Noise of SAW Delay Line Magnetic Field Sensors, Sensors, vol. 21, issue 16, 5631, 2021.
J. Schmalz, A. Kittmann, P. Durdaut, B. Spetzler, F. Faupel, M. Höft, E. Quandt, M. Gerken: Multi-Mode Love-Wave SAW Magnetic-Field Sensors, Sensors, vol. 20, issue 12, 3421, 2020.
A. Kittmann, C. Müller, P. Durdaut, L. Thormählen, V. Schell, F. Niekiel, F. Lofink, D. Meyners, R. Knöchel, M. Höft, J. McCord, E. Quandt: Sensitivity and Noise Analysis of SAW Magnetic Field Sensors with varied Magnetostrictive Layer Thicknesses, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 311, 111998, 2020.
V. Schell, C. Müller, P. Durdaut, A. Kittmann, L. Thormählen, F. Lofink, D. Meyners, M. Höft, J. McCord, E. Quandt: Magnetic Anisotropy Controlled FeCoSiB Thin Films for Surface Acoustic Wave Magnetic Field Sensors, AIP Applied Physics Letters, vol. 116, issue 7, 073503, 2020.
J. Labrenz, A. Bahr, P. Durdaut, M. Höft, A. Kittmann, V. Schell and E. Quandt: Frequency Response of SAW Delay Line Magnetic Field/Current Sensor, IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 3, issue 10, 2019.
P. Durdaut, A. Kittmann, E. Rubiola, J.-M. Friedt, E. Quandt, R. Knöchel, M. Höft: Noise Analysis and Comparison of Phase- and Frequency-Detecting Readout Systems: Application to SAW Delay Line Magnetic Field Sensor, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 19, issue 18, pp. 8000-8008, 2019.
V. Schell, A. Kittmann, P. Durdaut, C. Müller, J. McCord, A.Bahr, M. Höft and E. Quandt: Substrate Materials for High Sensitivity Magnetic Field Sensors, 4th Euro Intelligent Materials, Kiel, 2019.
A. Kittmann, P. Durdaut, R. Rahlves, V. Schell, M. Höft, A.Bahr, E. Quandt, D. Meyners: Surface Accoustic Wave Magnetic Field Sensors in Magnetic Frontiers, Magnetic Sensors, Lisboa, Portugal, 2019.
P. Durdaut, A. Kittmann, A. Bahr, E. Quandt, R. Knöchel, M. Höft: Oscillator Phase Noise Suppression in Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor Systems, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 4975-4980, 2018.
A. Kittmann, P. Durdaut, S. Zabel, J. Reermann, J. Schmalz, B. Spetzler, D. Meyners, N. X. Sun, J. McCord, M. Gerken, G. Schmidt, M. Höft, R. Knöchel, F. Faupel, E. Quandt: Wide Band Low Noise Love Wave Magnetic Field Sensor System, Scientific Reports, vol. 8, no. 278, 2018.
J. Schmalz, A. Kittmann, P. Durdaut, B. Spetzler, F. Faupel, M. Höft, E. Quandt, M. Gerken: Comparison of the Fundamental and Higher Order Love Waves’ Sensitivities in a SAW Based Magnetic Field Sensor, SAW Symposium 2018, Dresden, 2018.
J. Schmalz, F. Faupel, M. Gerken, A. Kittmann, E. Quandt, E. Yarar, S. Zabel:Influence of a Magnetostrictive Layer on the Mode Shape and Wave Velocity of Love-Wave Based SAW-Device, Euro Intelligent Materials 2017, Kiel, 2017.