Dr.-Ing. Eric Elzenheimer


Professional Career

Since 2015  Research Assistant at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany
2013 - 2015 Teaching Fellow at University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt
2013 - 2013 Laboratory Engineer at University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt
2012 - 2013 Scientific Assistant at University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt
2011 - 2012 M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering Specialization Communications at University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
2007 - 2011 B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering Specialization Communications at University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany



Dr.-Ing. Eric Elzenheimer
Room F-006
Kaiserstraße 2, 24143 Kiel, Germany
Phone: +49 431 880-6143
Telefax: +49 431 880-6128
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Projects and Positions

     Z2 - Digital signal processingDoctoral researcher


CRC-related Publications

L. Zimoch, S. Schröder, E. Elzenheimer, S. Kaps, T. Strunskus, F. Faupel, M. Höft, R. Adelung: Electret Integrated Magnetic Field Sensor Based on Magnetostrictive Polymer Composite with nT Resolution, Scientific Reports, vol. 15, 1561, 2025.
E. Engelhardt, E. Elzenheimer, J. Hoffmann, C. Meledeth, N. Frey, G. Schmidt: Non-Invasive Electroanatomical Mapping: A State-Space Approach for Myocardial Current Density Estimation, Bioengineering, 10(12), 1432, 2023. 
M. Gerhard, L. Zimoch, C. Dorn, E. Elzenheimer, C. Bald, T. Lerg, J. Hoffmann, S. Kaps, M. Höft, G. Schmidt, S. Wulfinghoff, R. Adelung: Self-powered Elementary Hybrid Magnetoelectric Sensor, Nano Energy, vol. 115, 108720, 2023. 
M. Gerhardt, L. Zimoch, C. Dorn, E. Elzenheimer, C. Bald, T. Lerg, J. Hoffmann, S. Kaps, M. Höft, G. Schmidt, S. Wulfinghoff, R. Adelung: Self-powered Elementary Hybrid Magnetoelectric Sensor, Nano Energy, vol. 115, 108720, 2023.
J. Hoffmann, C. Bald, T. Schmidt, M. Boueke, E. Engelhardt, K. Krüger, E. Elzenheimer, C. Hansen, W. Maetzler, G. Schmidt: Designing and Validating Magnetic Motion Sensing Approaches with a Real-time Simulation Pipeline, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1, 455-458, 2023. 
E. Engelhardt, E. Elzenheimer, J. Hoffman, T. Schmidt, A. Zaman, N. Frey, G. Schmidt: A Concept for Myocardial Current Density Estimation with Magnetoelectric Sensors, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1, 89-92, 2023. 
H. Wolframm, J. Hoffmann, R. Burgardt, E. Elzenheimer, G. Schmidt, M. Höft: PCB Coil Enables In Situ Calibration of Magnetoelectric Sensor Systems, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1, 567-570, 2023. 
E. Elzenheimer, P. Hayes, L. Thormählen, E. Engelhardt, A. Zaman, E. Quandt, N. Frey, M. Höft, G. Schmidt: Investigation of Converse Magnetoelectric Thin Film Sensors for Magnetocardiography, IEEE Sensors Journal Print ISSN, pp. 5660-5669, 2023. 
J. Muñoz, J. Arbustini, E. Elzenheimer, M. Höft, A. Bahr: Digital Approaches on Frequency Tuning for Magnetoelectric Sensors, ICECS, 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits & Systems, Glasgow, Scotland, 2022. 
H. Wang, J. Arbustini, E. Elzenheimer, V. Schell, M. Höft, E. Quandt, G. Schmidt, H. Heidari, A. Bahr: Study of Chopping Magnetic Flux Modulation on Surface Acoustic Wave Magnetic Sensor, ICECS, 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits & Systems, Glasgow, Scotland, 2022. 
J. Arbustini, J. Muñoz, H. Wang, E. Elzenheimer, J. Hoffmann, L. Thormählen, P. Hayes, F. Niekiel, H. Heidari, M. Höft, E. Quandt, G. Schmidt, A. Bahr: MEMS Magnetic Field Source for Frequency Conversion Approaches for ME Sensors, BMT2022 , Joint Annual Conference of the Austrian, German and Swiss Societies for Biomedical Engineering, 2022. 
E. Engelhardt, A. Zaman, E. Elzenheimer, N. Frey, G. Schmidt: Towards Analytically Computable Quality Classes for MCG Sensor Systems, BMT 2022, Joint Annual Conference of the Austrian, German and Swiss Societies for Biomedical Engineering, 2022. 
E. Elzenheimer, C. Bald, E. Engelhardt, J. Hoffmann, P. Hayes, J. Arbustini, A. Bahr, E. Quandt, M. Höft, G. Schmidt: Quantitative Evaluation for Magnetoelectric Sensor Systems in Biomagnetic Diagnostics, MDPI Sensors, vol. 22, no. 3, 1018, 2022.
J. Hoffmann, E. Elzenheimer, C. Bald, C. Hansen, W. Maetzler, G. Schmidt: Active Magnetoelectric Motion Sensing: Examining Performance Metrics with an Experimental Setup, MDPI Sensors, vol. 21, no. 23, 8000, 2021. 
J. Hoffmann, E. Elzenheimer, C. Bald, C. Hansen, W. Maetzler, G. Schmidt: Magnetoelektrische Sensoren zur Bewegungsdetektion und -analyse, Biosignale Workshop, Kiel, Germany, 2020.
E. Elzenheimer, H. Laufs, W. Schulte-Mattler, G. Schmidt: Magnetic Measurement of Electrically Evoked Muscle Responses With Optically Pumped Magnetometers, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 28, issue 3, pp. 756-765, 2020.
E. Elzenheimer, H. Laufs, W. Schulte-Mattler, G. Schmidt: Signal Modeling and Simulation of Temporal Dispersion and Conduction Block in Motor Nerves, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 67, issue 7, pp. 2094-2102, 2019.
J. Reermann, E. Elzenheimer, G. Schmidt: Real-Time Biomagnetic Signal Processing for Uncooled Magnetometers in Cardiology, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 15, issue 11, pp. 4237-4249, 2019.
C. Bald, E. Elzenheimer, J. Reermann, T. Sander-Thömmes, G. Schmidt: Amplitudenverlauf des Herzmagnetfeldes als Funktion des Abstandes, Biosignale Workshop, Erfurt, Germany, 2018.
E. Elzenheimer, F. Weitkamp, H. Laufs, T. Sander-Thömmes, G. Schmidt: Magnetoneurografie eines elektrisch stimulierten Armnervs, Biosignale Workshop, Erfurt, Germany, 2018.
F. Weitkamp, E. Elzenheimer, W. Schulte-Mattler, G. Schmidt, H. Laufs: Multimodal Mapping of Nerve Pathology with a Multichannel Approach, Clinical Neurophysiology, vol. 129, issue 8, pp. e72-e73 2018.