Dr. Bridget Murphy

Professional Career
Since 2012 |
LISA (Liquid/Interface scattering) group leader in the Ruprecht Haensel Laboratory / Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, CAU Kiel |
2010 |
Visiting scientist at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, USA |
2006 - 2012 |
Assistant to Prof. O. Magnussen, "Habilitandin" / Senior Scientist, Interface Physics, CAU Kiel |
2004 - 2006 |
Scientific and teaching staff (Post Doc), CAU Kiel |
2004 |
Visiting scientist at Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL), Grenoble, France |
2000 - 2004 |
PhD student, Group: Prof. Werner Press, CAU Kiel |
1999 |
Visiting scientist at the European Synchrotron Radiation Source, Grenoble, France |
1997 - 2000 |
Higher Scientific Officer - First Beamline Scientist at beamline 16.3 Daresbury synchrotron radiation source (high resolution diffraction), Daresbury Laboratory, CCLRC, Cheshire, England |
1994 - 1997 |
Scientific Officer - Second Beamline Scientist on the SRS-Beamlines 9.4 (surface X-ray scattering) and 6.3 (X-ray Standing Waves), Synchrotron Radiation Source, Daresbury Laboratory, CCLRC, Cheshire, England |
Dr. Bridget Murphy
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU Kiel)
Ruprecht Haensel Laboratory
Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics
Leibnizstraße 19, 24098 Kiel
Phone. +49 (0) 431 880 5558
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Projects and Positions:
CRC-related Publications
N. Hayen, P. Jordt, S. C. Hövelmann, L. Petersdorf, M. Mewes, L. Thormählen, D. Meyners, N. X. Sun, C. Sternemann, M. Paulus, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, B. M. Murphy: In Situ X-Ray Absorption Studies on Local Structure of Annealed Metallic Glasses FeGaB and FeCoSiB, Phys. Status Solidi, A 2400607, 2024. |
P. Jordt, N. Wolff, S. B. Hrkac, S. Shree, D. Wang, R. J. Harder, C. Kübel, R. Adelung, O. G. Shpyrko, O. M. Magnussen, L. Kienle, B. M. Murphy: Visualizing Intrinsic 3D-Strain Distribution in Gold Coated ZnO Microstructures by Bragg Coherent X-Ray Diffraction Imaging and Transmission Electron Microscopy with Respect to Piezotronic Applications, Advanced Electronic Materials, vol. 7, issue 11, 2100546, 2021. |
P. Jordt, S. B. Hrkac, J. Gröttrup, A. Davydok, C. Krywka, N. Wolff, L. Kienle, R. Adelung, O. M. Magnussen, B. M. Murphy: Local Strain Distribution in ZnO Microstructures Visualized with Scanning Nano X-Ray Diffraction and Impact on Electrical Properties, Advanced Engineering Materials, vol. 23, issue 11, 110871, 2021. |
N. Wolff, P. Jordt, J. Jetter, H. Vogt, A. Lotnyk, K. Seemann, S. Ulrich, E. Quandt, B. M. Murphy, L. Kienle: Nanostabilization of Tetragonal Distorted FeCo Variants in Ultra-Thin FeCo/TiN Multilayer Films, Materials Characterization, vol. 172, 110871, 2021. |
N. Wolff, P. Jordt, T. Braniste, V. Popa, E. Monaico, V. Ursaki, A. Petraru, R. Adelung, B. Murphy, L. Kienle, I. Tiginyanu: Modulation of Electrical Conductivity and Lattice Distortions in Bulk HVPE-Grown GaN, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, vol. 8, pp. 141–146, 2019. |
S. B. Hrkac, C. T. Koops, M. Abes, C. Krywka, M. Müller, M. Burghammer, M. Sztucki, T. Dane, S. Kaps, Y. K. Mishra, R. Adelung, J. Schmalz, M. Gerken, E. Lage, C. Kirchhof, E. Quandt, O. M. Magnussen, B. M. Murphy: Tunable Strain in Magnetoelectric ZnO Microrod Composite Interfaces, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9 (30), pp. 25571–25577 , 2017. |
M. Abes, C. T. Koops, S. B. Hrkac, J. McCord, N. O. Urs, N. Wolff, L. Kienle, W. J. Ren, L. Bouchenoire, B. M. Murphy, O. M. Magnussen: Domain Structure and Reorientation in CoFe2O4, Physical Review B 93 , 195427, 2016. |