Prof. Dr. Martina Gerken

Professional Career
Since 2008 |
Professor (W3) for Integrated Systems and Photonics at the Faculty of Engineering of the CAU Kiel |
2021 |
Visiting Professor, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University College Dublin, Ireland |
2016 |
Visiting Professor, School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, Scotland |
2003 - 2008 |
Junior group leader (C1), Light Technology Institute, University of Karlsruhe |
2001 |
Visiting scientist, Institute for High Frequency and Quantum Electronics, University of Karlsruhe |
1999 - 2003 |
Ph.D. student, Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University, CA, USA |
1998 - 1999 |
Research assistant, Molecular Physics Laboratory, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA |
Prof. Dr. Martina Gerken
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU Kiel)
Integrated Systems and Photonics
Institute for Electrical Engineering and Information Engineering
Kaiserstr. 2, 24143 Kiel
Phone. +49 (0) 431 880 6250
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Projects and Positions
CRC-related Publications
M.-Ö. Özden, G. Barbieri, M. Gerken: A Combined Magnetoelectric Sensor Array and MRI-Based Human Head Model for Biomagnetic FEM Simulation and Sensor Crosstalk Analysis, MDPI Sensors, 24(4), 1186, doi: 10.3390/s24041186, 2024. |
M.-Ö. Özden, J. Schmalz, M. Gerken: A Combined Magnetoelectric Sensor and Human Head Model for Biomagnetic FEM Simulations, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 23, no. 24, pp. 30259-30270, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2023.3329579 2023. |
M. Samadi, J. Schmalz, J. M. Meyer, F. Lofink, M. Gerken: Phononic-Crystal-Based SAW Magnetic-Field Sensors, SMicromachines, 14(11), 2130, 2023. |
J. Schmalz, E. Spetzler, J. McCord, M. Gerken: Investigation of Unwanted Oscillations of Electrically Modulated Magnetoelectric Cantilever Sensors, MDPI Sensors, no. 11, issue 11, pp. 5012, 2023. |
M. Ö. Özden, M. Gerken: A Joint Magnetoelectric Sensor and Human Head Model for Biomagnetic Simulation, 2022 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), p. 21, 2022. |
M.-Ö. Özden, M. Gerken: Trade-Off between Spatial Resolution and Sensitivity of Magnetoelectric Magnetic Field Sensors, International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2021. |
J. Schmalz, M. Krantz, A. Knies, H. Lüder, M. Gerken: Signal-to-Noise Ratio Enhanced Electrode Configurations for Mgnetoelectric Cantilever Sensors, AIP Advances, vol. 10, issue 7, 075314, 2020. |
J. Schmalz, A. Kittmann, P. Durdaut, B. Spetzler, F. Faupel, M. Höft, E. Quandt, M. Gerken: Multi-Mode Love-Wave SAW Magnetic-Field Sensors, Sensors, vol. 20, issue 12, 3421, 2020. |
M. Krantz, M. Gerken: Limit of Thermal-Vibration Noise in Magnetic Field Detection with Magnetoelectric-Composite Cantilevers, Physical Review Applied, vol. 13, issue 5, 2020. |
S. Zuo, J. Schmalz, M.-Ö. Özden, M. Gerken, J. Su, F. Niekiel, F. Lofink, K. Nazarpour, H. Heidari: Ultrasensitive Magnetoelectric Sensing System for Pico-Tesla MagnetoMyoGraphy, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 14, issue 5, 2020. |
M. Krantz M. Gerken: Effect of Excitation Mode on the Magnetic Field Detection Limit of Magnetoelectric Composite Cantilevers, AIP Advances, vol. 10, issue 4, 045108, 2020. |
M. Ö. Özden, A. Teplyuk, Ö. Gümüs, D. Meyners, M. Höft, M. Gerken: Magnetoelectric Cantilever Sensors under Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field Excitation, AIP Advances, vol. 10, issue 2, 025132, 2020. |
J. Schmalz, B. Spetzler, F. Faupel, M. Gerken: Love Wave Magnetic Field Sensor Modeling — from 1D to 3D Model, International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), pp. 0765-0769, 2019. |
M. Krantz, M. Gerken: Fundamental Thermal Limits for Detection of Biomedical Magnetic Fields by Resonant Magnetoelectric Composite Sensors, Abstract von Today's Noise Tomorrow's Signal, Berlin, Deutschland, 2019. |
A. Kittmann, P. Durdaut, S. Zabel, J. Reermann, J. Schmalz, B. Spetzler, D. Meyners, N. X. Sun, J. McCord, M. Gerken, G. Schmidt, M. Höft, R. Knöchel, F. Faupel, E. Quandt: Wide Band Low Noise Love Wave Magnetic Field Sensor System, Scientific Reports, vol. 8, no. 278, 2018. |
B. R. Holländer, C. Müller, J. Schmalz, M. Gerken, J. McCord: Magnetic Domain Walls as Broadband Spin Wave and Elastic Magnetisation Wave Emitters, scientific reports, vol. 8, no. 13871, 2018. |
J. Schmalz, A. Kittmann, P. Durdaut, B. Spetzler, F. Faupel, M. Höft, E. Quandt, M. Gerken: Comparison of the Fundamental and Higher Order Love Waves’ Sensitivities in a SAW Based Magnetic Field Sensor, SAW Symposium 2018, Dresden, 2018. |
S. B. Hrkac, C. T. Koops, M. Abes, C. Krywka, M. Müller, M. Burghammer, M. Sztucki, T. Dane, S. Kaps, Y. K. Mishra, R. Adelung, J. Schmalz, M. Gerken, E. Lage, C. Kirchhof, E. Quandt, O. M. Magnussen, B. M. Murphy: Tunable Strain in Magnetoelectric ZnO Microrod Composite Interfaces, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9 (30), pp. 25571–25577 , 2017. |
M. Krantz, M. Gerken J. Schmalz: Magnetoelectric Cantilever Theory: Effect of Elastic Seed and Adhesion Layers and Multi-Domain Concepts on Response of Exchange Bias Multilayer Sensors, Euro Intelligent Materials, 2017. |
J. Schmalz, F. Faupel, M. Gerken, A. Kittmann, E. Quandt, E. Yarar, S. Zabel:Influence of a Magnetostrictive Layer on the Mode Shape and Wave Velocity of Love-Wave Based SAW-Device, Euro Intelligent Materials 2017, Kiel, 2017. |
J. L. Gugat, M. C. Krantz; J. Schmalz, M. Gerken: Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Cantilever Magnetoelectric Sensors, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 52, issue 9, 2016. |
J. L. Gugat, M. C. Krantz, J. Schmalz, M. Gerken: Magnetic Flux Concentration Effects in Cantilever Magnetoelectric Sensors, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 1-8, 2016. |