
Talk from an-Bernd Hövener

To Be Defined   Details Presenter: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jan-Bernd Hövener Title: To Be…

AI-based Multimodal and Multicentric Cardiac Signal…

AI-based Multimodal and Multicentric Cardiac Signal Processing   Details Presenter: Jun. Prof. Dr. Sandy Engelhardt…

Magnetic Composites: From Soft Robotics to…

Magnetic Composites: From Soft Robotics to Eco-Sustainable Magnetoelectronics   Details Presenter: Dr. Denys Makarov Title:…

Basic Principles and New Developments in…

Basic Principles and New Developments in Stereotactic Radiotherapy   Details Presenter: Priv.-Doz. Dr. rer. hum.…

On the Implementation of Energy and…

On the Implementation of Energy and Area Efficient Microcontrollers – Our Approach on the Use…

New Developments in highly-sensitive Magnetic Sensors…

New Developments in highly-sensitive Magnetic Sensors and their Applications in Biomagnetism   Details Presenter: Dipl.Ing.…

Parenthood and Science – Motherhood Penalty,…

Parenthood and Science – Motherhood Penalty, Fatherhood Bonus and Other Obstacles to Compatibility   Details…

Development and Application of Bio­statisti­cal Methods…

Development and Application of Biostatistical Methods to Improve Predictive Modeling of Clinical Data for Precision…

Keynote Talk "Male Allyship for Gender…

Male Allyship for Gender Equality   Keynote Talk at the CRC Spring Retreat 2024 Speaker:…

Plan for Upcoming Talks

Date and time Responsible project
13.02.2025, 17:00 h B9 - Magnetoelectric Sensors for Movement Detection and Analysis
20.03.2025, 17:00 h A6 - Microstructure and Structural Change of Magnetoelectric and Piezotronic Sensors
10.04.2025, 17:00 h B10 - Magnetoelectric Sensor Systems for Cardiologic Applications
08.05.2025, 17:00 h A7 - Electrically Modulated Magnetoelectric Sensors
12.06.2025, 17:00 h B12 - Bioinspired Nanocomposites for Early Detection of Complications in Gastrointestinal Surgery
10.07.2025, 17:00 h A8 - Modelling of Magnetoelectric Sensors
14.08.2025, 17:00 h B13 - Magnetoelectric 3D Mapping in Gastrointestinal Diagnostics
18.09.2025, 17:00 h A9 - Surface Acoustic Wave Magnetic Field Sensors
09.10.2025, 17:00 h Z1 - MEMS Magnetoelectric Sensor Fabrication
13.11.2025, 17:00 h A10 - Magnetic Noise of Magnetoelectric Sensors
11.12.2025, 17:00 h Z2 - Magnetoelectric Sensor Characterization
15.01.2026, 17:00 h SOP - Scientific Outreach Project
12.02.2026, 17:00 h A1 - Magnetostrictive Multilayers for Magnetoelectric Sensors
12.03.2026, 17:00 h B1 - Sensor Noise Performance and Analogue System Design
09.04.2026, 17:00 h A2 - Mechanically Soft Micro and Macrocomposite for Wearable Devices
14.05.2026, 17:00 h B2 - Digital Signal Processing
11.06.2026, 17:00 h A4 - ΔE-Effect Sensors
09.07.2026, 17:00 h B9 - Magnetoelectric Sensors for Movement Detection and Analysis
13.08.2026, 17:00 h A6 - Microstructure and Structural Change of Magnetoelectric and Piezotronic Sensors
10.09.2026, 17:00 h B10 - Magnetoelectric Sensor Systems for Cardiologic Applications
08.10.2026, 17:00 h A7 - Electrically Modulated Magnetoelectric Sensors
12.11.2026, 17:00 h B12 - Bioinspired Nanocomposites for Early Detection of Complications in Gastrointestinal Surgery
10.12.2026, 17:00 h A8 - Modelling of Magnetoelectric Sensors
14.01.2027, 17:00 h B13 - Magnetoelectric 3D Mapping in Gastrointestinal Diagnostics
11.02.2027, 17:00 h A9 - Surface Acoustic Wave Magnetic Field Sensors
11.03.2027, 17:00 h Z1 - MEMS Magnetoelectric Sensor Fabrication
08.04.2027, 17:00 h A10 - Magnetic Noise of Magnetoelectric Sensors
13.05.2027, 17:00 h Z2 - Magnetoelectric Sensor Characterization
10.06.2027, 17:00 h SOP - Scientific Outreach Project
08.07.2027, 17:00 h A1 - Magnetostrictive Multilayers for Magnetoelectric Sensors
12.08.2027, 17:00 h B1 - Sensor Noise Performance and Analogue System Design
09.09.2027, 17:00 h A2 - Mechanically Soft Micro and Macrocomposite for Wearable Devices
14.10.2027, 17:00 h B2 - Digital Signal Processing
11.01.2027, 17:00 h A4 - ΔE-Effect Sensors
09.12.2027, 17:00 h B9 - Magnetoelectric Sensors for Movement Detection and Analysis
13.01.2028, 17:00 h A6 - Microstructure and Structural Change of Magnetoelectric and Piezotronic Sensors
10.02.2028, 17:00 h B10 - Magnetoelectric Sensor Systems for Cardiologic Applications
09.03.2028, 17:00 h A7 - Electrically Modulated Magnetoelectric Sensors
13.04.2028, 17:00 h B12 - Bioinspired Nanocomposites for Early Detection of Complications in Gastrointestinal Surgery
11.05.2028, 17:00 h A8 - Modelling of Magnetoelectric Sensors
08.06.2028, 17:00 h B13 - Magnetoelectric 3D Mapping in Gastrointestinal Diagnostics